Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time [Video Series]

Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time [Video Series]

Written by Sonya Stattmann

Sonya Stattmann has spent the last 24 years providing wellness education, training & coaching to individuals, teams, and organizations around the world. She currently offers corporate wellness workshops, coaching and workshops for founders & VCs, and 1:1 coaching around stress, performance & career change

So many people focus their efforts on time management, but time is finite and fixed. Even though time is fixed, your energy can be expanded. Have you noticed how when you have energy and feel good, you get more done, but when you have low energy, you get less done? Managing your energy is more effective than managing your time. In this 5-part video series, I share with you why energy management is more effective than time management and tips for expanding your energy so you can reach your goals.

As an energy & performance coach & corporate wellness trainer, I have supported hundreds of people to tap into their innate energy and find their optimal performance. Learning to manage your energy is not just about better managing your time, it also helps manage stress, improve your mental health, and build resilience.  

In this 5-part video series on managing your energy, not your time, you will learn: 

Why energy management is more effective than time management

What does it mean to manage your energy? And why is energy management more effective than time management? This video unpacks what it means to manage your energy and why this is so much more important than time management.

What did you learn from this first video? How are you currently caring for your energy?

The 4 sources of energy & how you can expand them for greater performance

Did you know that you have 4 sources of energy and fuel – and that energy management isn’t just about managing your physical energy? This is what we are going to dive into in our next video. In my experience, there ar four areas of energy we have to look at: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Each of these areas has a different quality, but they all affect your capacity.

You can’t compartmentalize your energy, so if you deplete your emotional energy, you affect your overall capacity and your physical and mental capacity suffers as well. 

But the opposite is also true. Expanding your capacity in one area expands your capacity in all areas. Let’s talk about it.

Here are the tips mentioned in the video to expand each area for more overall energy:

  • For more physical energy: get more sleep and give your body enough fuel
  • For more emotional energy: start a gratitude journal, find micro-moments of joy, or commit to taking 30 minutes for pure pleasure every day (these emotions all have high vibrations and produce more emotional energy)
  • For more mental energy: learn to regulate your nervous system and practice deliberately strengthening your attention muscle 
  • For more spiritual energy: Ask yourself a few of these questions – Are you currently operating in alignment with your values? How could you operate more in alignment with your values? What small tweak could you make? What makes you feel connected to something bigger than yourself? How can you incorporate rituals into your day that help you feel more connected? 

Which of the 4 areas or sources of energy are the most depleted for you right now? What is one thing you can do this week to expand your energy in this area? 

More videos coming soon!