
Building a Resilience Practice [Video Series]

Building a Resilience Practice [Video Series]

Written by Sonya Stattmann

Sonya Stattmann has spent the last 24 years providing wellness education, training & coaching to individuals, teams, and organizations around the world. She currently offers corporate wellness workshops, coaching and workshops for founders & VCs, and 1:1 coaching around stress, performance & career change

Resilience is a popular topic, but what does it mean to have resilience and how do you build it? In this 3-part video series, I am going to break down what resilience is, how to build a resilience practice, and 10 ideas for how to incorporate resilience micro-practices into your daily routine. 

As a stress management coach & corporate wellness trainer, I have supported thousands of people to build resilience, and effectively manage stress. How resilience is perceived is often the opposite of what it means to be resilient. Resilience is not being tough or avoiding adversity. It isn’t controlling stress or feeling calm in the face of challenge. Understanding true resilience is key to handling stress and improving your mental health.  

In this 3-part video series on stress and burnout, you will learn: 

What it means to have resilience & its connection to the nervous system

Resilience is the capacity you have to handle stress, adversity & change. Your capacity fluctuates throughout your life and is affected by many variables. In this video, I unpack the definition of resilience and share why our resilience shifts and changes. 


In the above video, I also explain how resilience is directly related to how our nervous system is functioning. When you have a regulated nervous system, you have more resilience, and when you have a dysregulated nervous system, you have less resilience. 

Essential Ingredients for a Good Resilience Practice

There are five key ingredients for choosing the right resilience practice. These five things will ensure you choose the right tools.

10 Ideas for Incorporating a Resilience Micro-Practice into Your Daily Routine

In this video, I dive into why building resilience matters to you. It will help you improve your physical & mental health, enhance your relationships and so much more. I also share 10 of my favorite practices for building resilience. These practices can be done anywhere and in as little as 15 minutes. Below the video, you can find a written list of these 10 resilience practices. IMPORTANT: the context for these micro-practices is in the first two videos, so be sure to watch them first.

A written list of the 10 resilience micro-practices mentioned in the video:

Micro-practice #1 – Co-regulation with nature: nature is a natural co-regulator, so just sitting outside for a few minutes will regulate your nervous system and help you build more resilience.

Micro-practice #2 – Co-regulation with pets: Just like nature, pets are co-regulators. If you have a pet, you already use this tool, but you can incorporate it more deliberately into your daily routine. If you don’t have a pet, borrow a friend’s pet, or visit a petting zoo or pet store to get a little boost of resilience.

Micro-practice #3 – Journaling: Journaling is a powerful practice backed by a lot of science. In this video, I mention trying morning pages. While you have your morning coffee, grab a pen and notebook and write out all of your thoughts for 15 minutes. If you have no thoughts, write “I have no thoughts”, until another thought surfaces.

Micro-practice #4 – A mindful shower (interoception): You can add this mindful practice to your daily shower. The key is to really notice the sensations inside and on the surface of your body. Notice how the water feels as it touches your skin. Notice the temperature of the water and how that feels. It is paying attention to sensations rather than letting your thoughts wander to your to-do list. ;D

Micro-practice #5 – Noticing details (exteroception): I have a lot of examples of this practice on my website. It is noticing the details of objects around you. You want to pay attention to the shape and texture, how the light reflects off of them, and any imperfections you might see. I did a special guided session for my email list, which you can find here.

Micro-practice #6 – A mindful walk (combine interoception and exteroception): step outside on your lunch break and take a 15-minute mindful walk. You can start by noticing how your body feels as you walk. Notice the sensations as your body moves or as your feet touch the surface of the ground. Then you can move your attention to noticing the details around you. Notice the trees, the buildings, or anything else that interests you.

Micro-practice #7 – A sensory pause: wash your hands under running water or rub your hands with lotion. Notice how it feels as you rub your hands together. This is great to use when you feel overwhelm or anger.

Micro-practice #8 – Sound therapy: curate your own playlist or use someone else’s playlist. The key is to choose sounds that relax YOU. Then you can deliberately include a listening practice in your morning or evening routine, before an important meeting, or whenever you are feeling stressed.

Micro-practice #9 – Sensory toys: these are not just for kids! Think fidget toys, kinetic sand, thinking putty. Find a texture that feels good to you and allows you to play. I know this sounds silly, but it is effective for nervous system regulation. My favorite is kinetic sand. You can keep your toys on your desk and use them when you need a little more resilience.

Micro-practice #10 – Hug or talk to someone you trust (connection): connection is a huge part of building resilience. To make this effective, you want to practice with someone you really trust. Make a regular cuddle time with your partner or child, or set up a regular 15-minute call with your best friend.

—> If you need extra support with building resilience, here are a few resources:

For nervous system self-regulation tools: Sign up for the Mental Health Toolkit. Launching soon, this private podcast course is packed with 30 tools for building resilience, education, and stress management tips. 

For customized 1:1 support: Learn more about my stress management coaching program, designed to help you reduce stress, improve your mental health & build resilience. 

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