How To Know When You Are Over-Owning or Under-Owning Your Responsibility

“Where are we over-owning or under-owning with our clients?”

In this week’s episode, we are dipping a toe into a discussion that is much bigger than any one podcast episode. This is a topic that we face in our businesses every day, especially as women. For many of us, there is a challenge of either over-owning or under-owning our responsibility and this has a dramatic effect on our business. We’re constantly having to balance the amount of responsibility that we take on from others and for ourselves.

“A lot of people are over-owning the things that are not their responsibility and under-owning the things that actually are”

Over-owning or under-owning leads to exhaustion and sucks the energy right out of us. It means you get less done and are focused on the wrong things instead of the right ones. When any business owner starts to take responsibility for their clients behavior, they lose the ability to lead. Leadership requires being responsible for yourself and letting others be responsible for themselves.

“In order to be a leader, you have to be clear about what your responsibility is, and you have to be clear about what you can and can’t do”

When you over-own the responsibility of another person you automatically under-own the responsibility that you have to the other people that you serve. This can show up in work with clients, friends, family, and in your business. When you try to become all things to all people it’s impossible to not become over-extended in other areas of your life and business.

“We are denying the world our bigger, grander selves by not stepping into our circle of power and recognizing the energy that’s being wasted by over-owning things”

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About Sonya Stattmann

Sonya has spent the last 24 years working with thousands of individuals, leaders & organizations around personal development. She offers resilience-based tools for stress management, mental wellness, navigating change, and dealing with relationship challenges. She currently works 1:1 with founders, leaders & high achievers through her stress management coaching program. She also offers wellness & resilience workshops for teams. She also hosts both public and private podcasts. Her mission is to help individuals and teams build more resilience and navigate adversity, change & stress more effectively. She currently resides in the USA, but you can often find her and her family traveling the globe.